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Anthony Da Silva

Head of Sales & Sales Ops - Qashflo | Ex-Amazon
2 recommandations
  • Tarif indicatif
    150 €/ jour
  • Expérience3-7 ans
  • Taux de réponse83%
  • Temps de réponseQuelques jours
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Anthony.
Localisation et déplacement
Paris, France
En télétravail uniquement
Travaille majoritairement à distance

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Compétences (22)
Anthony en quelques mots
More than 7 years in e-commerce industry, working first for Groupon and then Amazon in sales and project management. I joined recently Qashflo financing EU sellers on marketplaces with one day payment.

Autonomous and thorough I would be more than happy to help you with your marketplace accounts (account suspended for eg), coaching your sales team or bringing new businesses, your analysis, redact articles... I am always opened to discuss new projects, fee freel to reach me out.

CAREFUL: I work a lot on a performance model and not with a fee per hour, so my pricing will depend on the demand type feel free to propose something!

  • Qashflo
    Head of sales (partner)
    juillet 2022 - Aujourd'hui (2 ans et 8 mois)
    Paris, France
    In charge of scaling our one day payment solution for EU marketplace sellers:

    · Marketplaces? We are able to build in white label your One Day Payment solution upon our shoulders; fully customizable we are also opened to explore any financing opportunity you might have identified.

    · Service providers in marketplace industry (integrators, agencies...)? We already built strong win-win partnerships with Cdiscount, Mirakl, Rue du Commerce, Alltricks, BigBuy…., if we help your customers to make more sales you will generate more revenue!

    · Sellers (limited by marketplace payments)? we already financed more than €50MM turnover in a couple of months with huge success stories.
  • Amazon
    Senior Key Account Manager
    mars 2021 - juillet 2022 (1 an et 4 mois)
    Paris, France
    Coordinating FR Strategic Account Recruitment: Responsible for overall target program and strategy, leading up to four experienced key account managers.

    2022: Responsible for a +€25MM target program, I successfully implemented a new sales organization through i) the merging of strategic account team with paid account management team to improve efficiency, and ii) the implementation of a specialized hunter/farmers account manager organization.

    2021: Responsible for a +€25MM target program, I worked on the i) staffing and management of 4 account managers, ii) development of lead sourcing strategy (+45% lead pipe YoY), iii) improvement of the conversion by 150bps YoY through escalation mechanisms from manager to country manager.

    Projects (non-exhaustive list): Head of sales for EU Click and collect by Amazon, a €1Bn project.
    Sponsored by one Head of seller services I directly contributed to the mechanisms to secure the project funding (SDEs, AMs) from SVP/VP/directors (in charge of entitlement, sales targets and sales organization). Once secured I was in charge of EU recruitment strategy (pipeline creation, recruitment team) through the direct management of 2 AMs in FR and indirect management of 7 AMs in EU. Featured launched in UK DE in June 2022.

    HR: +100 interviews, 11 managees/mentees/sponsored people across the 5.5 years for an average promotion time of 1.8 months.
  • Amazon
    Key Account Manager
    septembre 2018 - mars 2021 (2 ans et 6 mois)
    Paris, France
    Core job: First marketplace KAM in France - pioneering role in chasing FR Strategic Sellers on Amazon (brand manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers). Identified as EU Top tiers (best 10% EU Account managers).

    2020: Responsible for a +€25MM program target (personal and n-1).
    Results: Landed at +4%; among many selling partners thanks to Ubaldi (€300MM WW turnover), Exertis (€4.1Bn WW turnover) and Innov8 (€300MM WW turnover) launches.

    2019: Responsible for a +€15MM program target (personal and n-1).
    Results: Landed at+9%; among many selling partners thanks to Cdiscount (€1.7Bn WW turnover) and Ubaldi (€300MM WW turnover).

    Projects (non-exhaustive list): Competitive watch: run exhaustive SVP level analysis of main competitor (30 sellers’ interviews, press news compiling, stock exchange reports analysis, competitor scrapping). Results: identified 4 key growth initiatives (heavy bulky, express transportation, transportation marketplace and international marketplace network).

    HR: Amazon interviewer (+60 interviews for 7 recruitments, FR Top 5 contributor).
2 recommandations externes

Bérangère Mht et 1 autre personne recommandent Anthony

Bérangère MhtBM
Bérangère Mht
Digital College
Nous pouvons compter sur Anthony, son attitude sérieuse et sa joie de vivre sont autant de points forts que ses étudiants plébiscitent !
Nicolas HabertNH
Nicolas Habert
Très bonne 1ère collaboration avec Anthony. Bonne sensibilité et écoute face au brief qui n'était pourtant pas évident.
Nous le recommandons.
  • 8ème école française selon Le Point 16ème école européenne selon le Financial Times Cursus en Entrepreneuriat, Stratégie et Croissance
    Toulouse Business School