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Malt vous permet d'accéder aux meilleurs consultants freelances pour vos projets. Contactez Leny pour échanger sur votre besoin ou recherchez d'autres profils sur Malt.

Leny D.

Frontend Developer
  • Tarif indicatif
    600 €/ jour
  • Expérience8-15 ans
  • Taux de réponse66%
  • Temps de réponseQuelques jours
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Leny.
Localisation et déplacement
Paris, France
En télétravail uniquement
Travaille majoritairement à distance

Charte du freelance Malt signée

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Compétences clés
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Leny en quelques mots
My name is Leny, i have been working as a developer since 2013, I started as a Ruby on Rails developer, around mid 2016 i decided to focus on the frontend.
A deep understanding of backend development requirement makes me a better team mate, friction between frontend and backend teams slows down project a lot.

I care about accessibility, you should too because it opens your project to around 15% of the population because anyone can develop disabilities because it can prevent law suits because it is the right thing to do :)
    Freelance Developer
    mars 2016 - Aujourd'hui (8 ans et 8 mois)
    location independent
    Ruby React.js react-native Ruby on Rails Javascript Redux
  • Teezily
    Ruby Developer
    avril 2015 - octobre 2016 (1 an et 6 mois)
    In a Web team, under the direction of a lead developer.
    Order management tools for our director.
    Order management tools for our printers.
    Order management tools for customers supports.
    API that receive orders from and
    API that controls shipments to our international printers.
    API used by our production management tools at our French printers.
    Implementation of automated tests.
    Code review.
  • Web@cadémie
    Teaching Assistant
    avril 2014 - mars 2015 (11 mois)
    Teaching Assistant for the entry exam (PHP).
    Supervise students in the discovery of the Linux operating system and the PHP programming language.
Recommandations externes
  • 2 years at EPITECH